At Tom Trouton, we offer the pinnacle of water features for your garden landscape. Our water installations can elevate your garden to a level you’d never have imagined, completing the space by drawing together other elements and providing a magnificent centrepiece to attract attention.

The soothing tranquillity of flowing water can improve and relax the state of mind… whether it is a bespoke water feature such as a monolith, a pond or lake, or a stream of water cascading over a rock face. Drawing inspiration from Tom’s upbringing on Exmoor with its wild moorlands and beautiful streams and rivers flowing through steep valleys, we can create natural water features that blend effortlessly into the surrounding environment.

Why Do People Like Water Features?

A full lighting design or just a single light to illuminate a focal point can soften and create drama. We offer a full consultation and survey and can handle all your illumination requirements. The difference between garden water features often hinge on the lighting, and with nearly two decades’ experience in landscaping, you can trust our team to recommend the set up that’ll give your garden a distinguishing ‘wow’ factor.

Our landscapers know how the delicate balance between ostentatious and tasteful can be a fine one, though through our time installing ponds, monoliths, and other elements, we know what suits different spaces and how to bring the eye to the right areas. Ask our team about our services and we’ll offer our honest, expert advice which will give you a better idea of how we can help you and what your garden could look like moving forward.


    "Very many thanks for all the excellent work done here to create the terrace and pond. It is such a transformation of an area which was something of a wasteland. We now need to get some plants for the bog garden. Our thanks as well to the team: Joseph, Felipe, Anthony and Alex who all worked so hard and stoically during the truly awful weather. I am not sure there was actually one day when it didn't rain or at least drizzle. They always cleared up after work and there is no evidence of their presence left apart from the area of flattened grass where the boards were, and of course the beautiful pond area. Ben misses them!"

    David W. Sherborne


    "Very many thanks for all the excellent work done here to create the terrace and pond. It is such a transformation of an area which was something of a wasteland. We now need to get some plants for the bog garden. Our thanks as well to the team: Joseph, Felipe, Anthony and Alex who all worked so hard and stoically during the truly awful weather. I am not sure there was actually one day when it didn't rain or at least drizzle. They always cleared up after work and there is no evidence of their presence left apart from the area of flattened grass where the boards were, and of course the beautiful pond area. Ben misses them!"

    David W. Sherborne



To find out more about our work, or to chat with our team, get in touch.

Give us a call on 01963 351850, or send an email to info@tomtrouton.co.uk. Alternatively, you can send us a message using the online contact form.